List of Publications and PresentationsYijun Liu, Ph.D. |
A. Authored Books:
Y. J. Liu, Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method - Theory and Applications in Engineering, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009).
Y. J. Liu, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing (2009).
X. L. Chen and Y. J. Liu, Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2014); 2nd edition (2019).
B. Edited Journal Special Issues:
C. Review Articles:
D. Journal Papers:
R. Y. Li, W. J. Ye, and Y. J. Liu, "A boundary-based Fourier neural operator (B-FNO) method for efficient parametric acoustic wave analysis," Engineering with Computers, (2025).
Y. Yang, Z. Su and Y. J. Liu, "A fast bond-based peridynamic program based on GPU parallel computing," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 172, 106133 (2025).
Y.-T. Zheng, Y. J. Liu, X.-W. Gao, and H.-F. Peng, "Sphere elements in the BEM for the analysis of elastic bodies with spherical voids or inclusions," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 171, 106057 (2025).
Y. J. Chen, Y. Yang, and Y. J. Liu, "A neural network peridynamic method for modeling rubber-like materials," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 273, 109234 (2024).
Y. Yang, Z. Zhan, Y. J. Liu, "A novel damage identification algorithm by combining the boundary element method and a series connection neural network," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133, 108010 (2024).
Z. Gao, Z. Li, and Y. J. Liu, "A time-domain boundary element method using a kernel-function library for 3D acoustic problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 161, 103-112 (2024).
Y.-T. Zheng, Y. J. Liu, X.-W. Gao, Y. Yang, and H.-F. Peng, "Improved hole and tube elements in BEM for elasticity problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 159, 17–35 (2024).
Z. Li, Z. Gao, and Y. J. Liu, "Enriched constant elements in the boundary element method for solving 2D acoustic problems at higher frequencies," CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 138, No.3, 2159-2175 (2024).
Y. D. Zhang, and Y. J. Liu, "Fast evaluations of integrals in the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings formulation in aeroacoustics via the fast multipole method," Acoustics, 5, 817-844 (2023).
Y. J. Chen, Y. Yang, and Y. J. Liu, "Fatigue crack growth analysis of hydrogel by using peridynamics," International Journal of Fracture, (2023).
Y. J. Chen, Y. Yang, and Y. J. Liu, "Large deformation and crack propagation analyses of hydrogel by peridynamics," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 284, 109261 (2023).
R. Y. Li, Y. J. Liu, and W. J. Ye, "A fast direct boundary element method for 3D acoustic problems based on hierarchical matrices," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 147, No. 171-180 (2023).
Y.-T. Zheng, X.-W. Gao, and Y. J. Liu, "Numerical modelling of braided ceramic fiber seals by using element differential method," Composite Structures, 304, No. 116461 (2023).
Y. Yang and Y. J. Liu, "Analysis of dynamic crack propagation in two-dimensional elastic bodies by coupling the boundary element method and the bond-based peridynamics," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 399, No. 115339 (2022).
X. Y. Han, Y. Yang, and Y. J. Liu, "Determining the defect locations and sizes in elastic plates by using the artificial neural network and boundary element method," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 139, No. 232-245 (2022).
Y. Yang and Y. J. Liu, "Modeling of cracks in two-dimensional elastic bodies by coupling the boundary element method with peridynamics," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 217-218, No. May 15, 74-89 (2021).
X. Xie and Y. J. Liu, "Efficient multi-frequency solutions of FE-BE coupled structural acoustic problems using Arnoldi-based dimension reduction approach," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 386, No. 114126 (2021) .
X. Xie and Y. J. Liu, "An adaptive model order reduction method for boundary element-based multi-frequency acoustic wave problems," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, No. 113532 (2021).
J. Rong, W. Ye, S. Zhang, and Y. J. Liu, "Frequency-coded passive multifunctional elastic metasurfaces," Advanced Functional Materials, 30, No. 50, 2005285 (2020).
J. Zhang, L. Yang, Y. J. Liu, W. Lin, and R. He, "A dual interpolation Galerkin boundary face method for potential problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 117, No. 157-166 (2020).
Y. Yang and Y. J. Liu, "A new boundary element method for modeling wave propagation in functionally graded materials," European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 88, No. 103897 (2020).
Y. J. Liu, "On the BEM for acoustic wave problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 107, No. 53-62 (2019).
Y. Han, Y. Nie, and Y. J. Liu, "Boundary element solver for coupled conduction-radiation heat transfer in nonhomogeneous media," Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 32, No. 4, 975-983 (2018).
S. Huang and Y. J. Liu, "A new fast direct solver for the boundary element method," Computational Mechanics, 60, No. 3, 379–392 (2017).
G. Hou, D. Chauhan, V. Ng, C. Xu, Z. Yin, M. Paine, R. Su, V. Shanov, D. Mast, M. Schulz, and Y. J. Liu, "Gas phase pyrolysis synthesis of carbon nanotubes at high temperature," Materials & Design, 132, 112-118 (2017).
G. Hou, V. Ng, C. Xu, L. Zhang, G. Zhang, V. Shanov, D. Mast, W. Kim, M. Schulz, and Y. J. Liu, "Multiscale modeling of carbon nanotube bundle agglomeration inside a gas phase pyrolysis reactor," MRS Advances, 2, No. 48, 2621-2626 (2017).
J. Schulz, G. Hou, V. Ng, and et al., “Science
to Commercialization of Carbon Nanotube Sheet and Yarn,” WSEAS
Transactions On Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 12,
41-50 (2017).
Y. Sun, Y. Liu, X. Chen, Z. Zhai, F. Xu, and Y. J. Liu, "Micromechanism of oxygen transport during initial stage oxidation in Si(100) surface: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation study," Applied Surface Science, 406, No. 178-185 (2017).
Y. J. Liu, Y. X. Li, and W. Xie, "Modeling of multiple crack propagation in 2-D elastic solids by the fast multipole boundary element method," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 172, 1-16 (2017).
W. Xie, X. He, J. Wu, Y. J. Liu, "An edge-based smoothed finite element method for 2D mechanics problems," Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, 35, No. 1, 7-12 (2017).
Y. J. Liu, "On the displacement discontinuity method and the boundary element method for solving 3-D crack problems," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 164, 35-45 (2016).
S. Huang and Y. J. Liu, "A new simple multidomain fast multipole boundary element method," Computational Mechanics, 58, No. 3, 533–548 (2016).
G. Hou, R. Su, A. Wang, V. Ng, W. Li, Y. Song, L. Zhang, M. Sundaram, V. Shanov, D. Mast, D. Lashmore, M. Schulz, and Y. J. Liu, "The effect of a convection vortex on sock formation in the floating catalyst method for carbon nanotube synthesis," Carbon, 102, 513-519 (2016).
G. Hou, V. Ng, Y. Song, L. Zhang, C. Xu, V. Shanov, D. Mast, M. Schulz, and Y. J. Liu, "Numerical and experimental investigation of carbon nanotube sock formation," MRS Advances, 2, No. 1, 21-26 (2016).
Y. Sun, Y. J. Liu, and F. Xu, "ReaxFF molecular dynamics study on oxidation behavior of 3C-SiC: Polar face effects," Chinese Physics B, 24, 096203 (2015).
Y. C. Cao, L. H. Wen, J. Y. Xiao, and Y. J. Liu, "A fast directional BEM
for large-scale acoustic problems based on the Burton-Miller formulation,"
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
50, 47-58 (2015).
H. J. Wu, Y. J. Liu, W. K. Jiang, and W. B. Lu, "A fast multipole boundary element method for three-dimensional half-space acoustic wave problems over an impedance plane," International Journal of Computational Methods, 12, No. 1, 1350090 (2015).
F. Wu, G. R. Liu, G. Y. Li, Y. J. Liu, and Z. C. He, "A coupled ES-FEM and FM-BEM for structural acoustic problems," Noise Control Engineering Journal, 62, No. 4, 196-209 (2014).
Y. J. Liu, Y. X. Li, and S. Huang, "A fast multipole boundary element method for solving two-dimensional thermoelasticity problems," Computational Mechanics, 54, No. 3, 821-831 (2014).
Y. J. Liu and Y. X. Li, "Revisit of the equivalence of the displacement discontinuity method and boundary element method for solving crack problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 47, 64–67 (2014).
Z. Guo, Y. J. Liu, H. Ma, and S. Huang, "A fast multipole boundary element method for modeling 2-D multiple crack problems with constant elements," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 47, 1-9 (2014).
Y. J. Liu and Y. X. Li, "Slow convergence of the BEM with constant elements in solving beam bending problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 39, 1-4 (2014).
S. Mukherjee and Y. J. Liu, "The boundary element method," International Journal of Computational Methods, 10, No. 6, 1350037 (2013).
Y. J. Liu, W. Ye and Y. Deng, "On the identities for elastostatic fundamental solution and nonuniqueness of the traction BIE solution for multi-connected domains," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80, No. 5, 051012 (2013).
S. Huang and Y. J. Liu, "A fast multipole boundary element method for solving the thin plate bending problem," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37, No. 6, 967–976 (2013).
Y. J. Liu and S. Huang, "Identities for the fundamental solution of thin plate bending problems and the nonuniqueness of the hypersingular BIE solution for multi-connected domains," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37, No. 3, 579-584 (2013).
H. Ma, Z. Guo, M. Dhanasekar, C. Yan and Y. J. Liu, "Efficient solution of multiple cracks in great number using eigen COD boundary integral equations with iteration procedure," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37, No. 3, 487-500 (2013).
H. J. Wu, W. K. Jiang and Y. J. Liu, "Analyzing acoustic radiation modes of baffled plates with a fast multipole boundary element method," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 135, No. 1, 011007: 1-7 (2013).
H. J. Wu, Y. J. Liu and W. K. Jiang, "A low frequency fast multipole boundary element method based on analytical integration of the hypersingular integral for 3D acoustic problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37, No. 2, 309-318 (2013).
B. Kumar, D. I. Bylski-Austrow, and Y. J. Liu, "Finite element model of spinal hemiepiphysiodesis: effect of contact conditions, initial conditions, and growth," Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 176, 99-103 (2012).
H. J. Wu, Y. J. Liu and W. K. Jiang, "A fast multipole boundary element method for 3D multi-domain acoustic scattering problems based on the Burton-Miller formulation," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36, No. 5, 779–788 (2012).
H. J. Wu, Y. J. Liu and W. K. Jiang, "Analytical integration of the moments in the diagonal form fast multipole boundary element method for 3-D acoustic wave problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36, No. 2, 248–254 (2012).
H. J. Wu, W. K. Jiang and Y. J. Liu, "Diagonal form fast multipole boundary element method for 2D acoustic problems based on Burton-Miller boundary integral equation formulation and its applications," Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 32, No. 8, 981-996 (2011).
X. Y. Zhu, W. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Huang and Y. J. Liu, "A fast multipole boundary element method for 2D viscoelastic problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 35, No. 2, 170-178 (2011).
Y. J. Liu, W. J. Ye, A. V. Phan, and G. H. Paulino, "Preface: Special issue on the advances in mesh reduction methods - In honor of Professor Subrata Mukherjee on the occasion of his 65th birthday," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 35, No. 2, 158-158 (2011).
Y. J. Liu, S. Mukherjee, N. Nishimura, M. Schanz, W. Ye, A. Sutradhar, E. Pan, N. A. Dumont, A. Frangi and A. Saez, "Recent advances and emerging applications of the boundary element method," ASME Applied Mechanics Review, 64, No. 5 (May), 1–38 (2011).
X. Y. Zhu, W. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Huang and Y. J. Liu, "Fast multipole boundary element analysis of 2D viscoelastic composites with imperfect interfaces," Science China: Technological Sciences, 53, No. 8, 2160–2171 (2010).
H. J. Wu, W. K. Jiang and Y. J. Liu, "Analysis of numerical integration error for Bessel integral identity in fast multipole method for 2D Helmholtz equation," Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 15, No. 6, 690-693 (2010).
Y. J. Liu, "A new boundary meshfree method with distributed sources," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 34, No. 11, 914-919 (2010).
Y. J. Liu, W. J. Ye, A. V. Phan, and G. H. Paulino, "Preface: Special issue on the advances in mesh reduction methods - In honor of Professor Subrata Mukherjee on the occasion of his 65th birthday," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 34, No. 11, 902-903 (2010).
M. S. Bapat and Y. J. Liu, "A new adaptive algorithm for the fast multipole boundary element method," CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 58, No. 2, 161-184 (2010).
M. S. Bapat, L. Shen and Y. J. Liu, "Adaptive fast multipole boundary element method for three-dimensional half-space acoustic wave problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 33, Nos. 8-9, 1113-1123 (2009).
Y. Yun, Z. Dong, N. Lee, Y. J. Liu, D. Xue, and et al., "Revolutionizing biodegradable metals", Materials Today, 12, No. 10, 22-32 (2009).
Y. J. Liu, "A fast multipole boundary element method for 2-D multi-domain elastostatic problems based on a dual BIE formulation," Computational Mechanics, 42, No. 5, 761-773 (2008).
Y. J. Liu, N. Nishimura, D. Qian, N. Adachi, Y. Otani and V. Mokashi, "A boundary element method for the analysis of CNT/polymer composites with a cohesive interface model based on molecular dynamics," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 32, No. 4, 299–308 (2008).
Y. J. Liu, "A new fast multipole boundary element method for solving 2-D Stokes flow problems based on a dual BIE formulation," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 32, No. 2, 139-151 (2008).
Y. J. Liu and L. Shen, "A dual BIE approach for large-scale modeling of 3-D electrostatic problems with the fast multipole boundary element method," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71, No. 7, 837–855 (2007).
V. Mokashi, D. Qian and Y. J. Liu, "A study on the tensile response and fracture in carbon nanotube-based composites using molecular mechanics," Composites Science and Technology, 67, Nos. 3-4, 530-540 (2007).
L. Shen and Y. J. Liu, "An adaptive fast multipole boundary element method for three-dimensional acoustic wave problems based on the Burton-Miller formulation," Computational Mechanics, 40, No. 3, 461-472 (2007).
L. Shen and Y. J. Liu, "An adaptive fast multipole boundary element method for three-dimensional potential problems," Computational Mechanics, 39, No. 6, 681-691 (2007).
Y. J. Liu, "Dual BIE approaches for modeling electrostatic MEMS problems with thin beams and accelerated by the fast multipole method," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 30, No. 11, 940-948 (2006).
Y. J. Liu and N. Nishimura, "The fast multipole boundary
element method for potential problems: a tutorial," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 30, No. 5,
Y. J. Liu, "A new fast multipole boundary element method for solving large-scale two-dimensional elastostatic problems," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65, No. 6, 863-881 (2006).
Y. J. Liu, N. Nishimura and Z. H. Yao, "A fast multipole accelerated
method of fundamental solutions for potential problems," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
Y. J. Liu, N. Nishimura and Y. Otani, "Large-scale modeling of carbon-nanotube composites by a fast multipole boundary element method," Computational Materials Science, 34, No. 2, 173-187 (2005).
X. L. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "An advanced 3-D boundary element method for characterizations of composite materials," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 29, No. 6, 513-523 (2005).
B. Keum and Y. J. Liu, "Analysis of 3-D frictional contact mechanics problems by a boundary element method," Tsinghua Science and Technology, 10, No. 1, 16-29 (2005).
Y. J. Liu, N. Nishimura, Y. Otani, T. Takahashi, X. L. Chen and H. Munakata, "A fast boundary element method for the analysis of fiber-reinforced composites based on a rigid-inclusion model," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 72, No. 1, 115-128 (2005).
N. Nishimura and Y. J. Liu, "Thermal analysis of carbon-nanotube composites using a rigid-line inclusion model by the boundary integral equation method," Computational Mechanics, 35, No. 1, 1-10 (2004).
Y. J. Liu and X. L. Chen, "Modeling of carbon nanotube-based composites by the boundary element method," JASCOME Reviews, No. 2004-1, 45-57 (2004).
X. L. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "Square representative volume elements for evaluating the effective material properties of carbon nanotube-based composites," Computational Materials Science, 29, No. 1, 1-11 (2004).
Y. J. Liu and X. L. Chen, "Evaluations of the effective material properties of carbon nanotube-based composites using a nanoscale representative volume element," Mechanics of Materials, 35, No. 1-2, 69-81 (2003).
Y. J. Liu and X. L. Chen, "Continuum models of carbon nanotube-based composites using the boundary element method," Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 1, No. 2, 316-335 (2003).
Y. J. Liu, "Forward: There are still plenty of opportunities on the boundaries," Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 1, No. 2, (2003).
M. Nuggehally, Y. J. Liu, S. B. Chaudhari and P. Thampi, "An Internet-based computing platform for the boundary element method," Advances in Engineering Software, 34, No. 5, 261-269 (2003).
D. Shi, J. Lian, P. He, L. M. Wang, W. J. van Oojj, M. Schulz, Y. J. Liu and D. B. Mast, "Plasma deposition of ultrathin polymer films on carbon nanotubes," Applied Physics Letters, 81, No. 27, 5216-5218 (2002).
J. S. Yang and Y. J. Liu, "Boundary formulation and numerical analysis of elastic bodies with surface bonded piezoelectric films," Smart Materials and Structures, 11, No. 2, 308-311 (2002).
Y. J. Liu and H. Fan, "Analysis of thin piezoelectric solids by the boundary element method," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191, No. 21-22, 2297-2315 (2002).
X. L. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "Thermal stress analysis of multi-layer thin films and coatings by an advanced boundary element method," CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2, No. 3, 337-349 (2001).
X. L. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "Multiple-cell modeling of fiber-reinforced composites with the presence of interphases using the boundary element method," Computational Materials Science, 21, No. 1, 86-94 (2001).
Y. J. Liu and H. Fan, "On the conventional boundary integral equation formulation for piezoelectric solids with defects or of thin shapes," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 25, No. 2, 77-91 (2001).
S. H. Chen, Y. J. Liu and X. Y. Dou, "A unified boundary element method for the analysis of sound and shell-like structure interactions. II. Efficient solution techniques," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108, No. 6, 2738-2745, December (2000).
Y. J. Liu, "On the simple-solution method and non-singular nature of the BIE/BEM - A review and some new results," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Special issue), 24, No. 10, 789-795 (2000).
Y. J. Liu and N. Xu, "Modeling of interface cracks in fiber-reinforced composites with the presence of interphases using the boundary element method," Mechanics of Materials (Special issue: Mechanics & Mechanisms of Failure of Interfaces in Engineering Materials), 32, No. 12, 769-783 (2000).
Y. J. Liu, H. Fan and J. S. Yang, "Analysis of the shear stress transferred from a partially electroded piezoelectric actuator to an elastic substrate," Smart Materials and Structures, 9, No. 4, 248-254 (2000).
J. F. Luo, Y. J. Liu and E. J. Berger, "Interfacial stress analysis for multi-coating systems using an advanced boundary element method," Computational Mechanics, 24, No. 6, 448-455 (2000).
Y. J. Liu, N. Xu and J. F. Luo, "Modeling of interphases in fiber-reinforced composites under transverse loading using the boundary element method," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 67, No. 1, 41-49, March (2000).
Y. J. Liu and T. J. Rudolphi, "New identities for fundamental solutions and their applications to non-singular boundary element formulations," Computational Mechanics, 24, No. 4, 286-292 (1999).
S. H. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "A unified boundary element method for the analysis of sound and shell-like structure interactions. I. Formulation and verification," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106, No. 3, 1247-1254, September (1999).
Y. J. Liu and S. H. Chen, "A new form of the hypersingular boundary integral equation for 3-D acoustics and its implementation with C0 boundary elements," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 173, No. 3-4, 375-386 (1999) (Special issue: Advances in Boundary Element Methods).
J. F. Luo, Y. J. Liu and E. J. Berger, "Analysis of two-dimensional thin structures (from micro- to nano-scales) using the boundary element method," Computational Mechanics, 22, No. 5, 404-412 (1998).
Y. J. Liu, "Analysis of shell-like structures by the boundary element method based on 3-D elasticity: formulation and verification," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 41, No. 3, 541-558, February (1998).
Y. J. Liu and F. J. Rizzo, "Scattering of elastic waves from thin shapes in three dimensions using the composite boundary integral equation formulation," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102, No. 2, 926-932, August (1997).
J. C. Chao, F. J. Rizzo, I. Elshafiey, Y. J. Liu, and et al., "General formulation for light scattering by a dielectric body near a perfectly conducting surface," Journal of Optical Society of America A, 13, No. 2, 338-344 (1996).
J. C. Chao, Y. J. Liu, F. J. Rizzo, and et al., "Regularized integral equations and curvilinear boundary elements for electromagnetic wave scattering in three dimensions," IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat, 43, 1416-1422 (1995).
G. Krishnasamy, F. J. Rizzo, and Y. J. Liu, "Boundary integral equations for thin bodies," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 37, 107-121 (1994).
Y. J. Liu and F. J. Rizzo, "Hypersingular boundary integral equations for radiation and scattering of elastic waves in three dimensions," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 107, 131-144 (1993).
Y. J. Liu and F. J. Rizzo, "A weakly-singular form of the hypersingular boundary integral equation applied to 3-D acoustic wave problems," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 96, 271-287 (1992).
G. Krishnasamy, F. J. Rizzo, and Y. J. Liu, "Some advances in boundary integral methods for wave-scattering from cracks," Acta Mechanica, [Suppl], 3, 55-65 (1992).
Y. J. Liu and T. J. Rudolphi, "Some identities for fundamental solutions and their applications to weakly-singular boundary element formulations," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 8, 301-311 (1991).
Y. J. Liu, "Elastic stability analysis of thin plate by the boundary element method -- a new formulation," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 4, 160-164 (1987).
T. Q. Ye and Y. J. Liu, "Finite deflection analysis of elastic plate by the boundary element method," Applied Mathematical Modelling, 9, 183-188 (1985).
E. Book Chapters and Book Review:
F. Lecture Notes:
Y. J. Liu, Fast Multipole BEM, NSF Workshop on the BEM: Bridging Education and Industrial Applications, April 23-26, 2012, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Y. J. Liu, Lecture II: Fast Multipole BEM, IABEM Summer School on Large-Scale Boundary Element Methods, August 29-September 2, 2011, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.
Y. J. Liu, Fast Multipole BEM, NSF Workshop on the Emerging Applications and Future Directions of the Boundary Element Method, September 1-3, 2010, Cleveland, Ohio.
N. Nishimura and Y. J. Liu, A Short Course on Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method, December 7, 2007, Kyoto University, Japan.
N. Nishimura, S. Mukherjee and Y. J. Liu, A Short Course on Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method, July 22, 2006, Los Angeles (Sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation).
Y. J. Liu, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, University of Cincinnati, 1997-2017.
G. Papers in Conference Proceedings:
D. Chauhan, G. Hou, V. Ng, S. Chaudhary, M. Paine, K. Moinuddin, M. Rabiee, M. Cahay, N. Lalley, V. Shanov, D. Mast, Y. J. Liu, Z. Yin, Y. Song, M. Schulz, "Multifunctional smart composites with integrated carbon nanotube yarn and sheet", Proc. SPIE 10172, A Tribute Conference Honoring Daniel Inman, 1017205 (10 April 2017).
Z. Guo, Y. J. Liu, and H. Ma, "Solution of stress intensity factors for 2-D multiple crack problems by the fast multipole boundary element method," Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXVI, Dalian, China, October 22-24, 2013, edited by X. W. Gao, A. H.-D. Cheng, C. A. Brebbia, WIT Press.
M. J. Schulz, V. N. Shanov, D. Qian, and et al., "Carbon nanotube superfiber development," in: Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on Nanotechnology (Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing), Cambridge, UK, February 20-22, 2013, edited by A. Said, C. H. H. Tang, S. Oprisan, WSEAS Press, p. 291-304.
A. Tosh, P. Liever, F. Owens and Y. J. Liu, "A high-fidelity CFD/BEM methodology for launch pad acoustic environment prediction," Proceedings of 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Colorado Springs, CO, June 4-6, 2012 (Paper Number: AIAA 2012-2107).
Y. J. Liu and D. Qian, "A hierarchical multiscale approach for modeling CNT composites using molecular dynamics and the boundary element method," in: Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Mechanical Behavior of Advanced Structures and Materials, Sanya, China, March 31 - April 3, 2010, edited by Y. Li, NPU Press, p. 27-32.
Y. J. Liu and M. Bapat, "Recent development of the fast multipole boundary element method for modeling acoustic problems," in: Proceedings of ASME 2009 IMECE, Lake Buena Vista, FL, November 13-19, 2009 (Paper Number: IMECE2009-10163).
Y. J. Liu and M. Bapat, "Fast multipole boundary element method for 3-D full- and half-space acoustic wave problems," in: Proceedings of ASME 2009 IMECE, Lake Buena Vista, FL, November 13-19, 2009 (Paper Number: IMECE2009-10165).
M. J. Schulz, A. Doepke, X. Guo, and et al., "Responsive biosensors for biodegradable magnesium implants," in: Proceedings of ASME 2009 IMECE, Lake Buena Vista, FL, November 13-19, 2009 (Paper Number: IMECE2009-13101).
Y. J. Liu, L. Shen and M. Bapat, "Development of the fast multipole boundary element method for modeling large-scale problems in applied mechanics," in: Proceedings of NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Knoxville, TN, January 7-10, 2008 (CD-ROM, Tech. Paper No. 0508232).
R. M. Manglik, M. A. Jog, and Y. J. Liu, "Linkage between learning styles and design engineering perceptions of undergraduate students," in: Proceedings of 2006 ASME IMECE, Chicago, IL, November 5-10, 2006 (Paper Number: IMECE2006-15597).
Y. J. Liu, N. Nishimura and D. Qian, "Large-scale modeling of CNT/polymer composites based on a rigid-inclusion model and a cohesive interface condition using the BEM and MD," in: Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI, Beijing, China, 2004), edited by Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan and W. X. Zhong, CD-ROM, Paper #198, Tsinghua University Press.
X. L. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "Modeling of advanced composite materials by the boundary element method," in: Computational Engineering I. Advances in Continuum Mechanics and Electromagnetics (Proceedings of ICOME 2003, Sapporo, Japan), edited by T. Honma, M. Tanaka, H. Igarashi and T. Matsumoto, 2004, JASCOME, p. 13-20.
Y. J. Liu and X. L. Chen, "Analysis of carbon nanotube-based composites by an advanced boundary element method," (Invited) in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques (BETeq, Beijing, 2002), edited by Zhenhan Yao and M. H. Aliabadi, 2002, TUP/Springer, p. 329-334.
Y. J. Liu, "Analysis of thin piezoelectric materials by an advanced boundary element method," in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM IV, Shanghai, 2002), edited by Chien Wei-zang, 2002, Shanghai University Press, p. 463-467.
Y. J. Liu and H. Fan, "Boundary integral equation formulations for piezoelectric solids containing thin shapes," in: Advances in Boundary Element Techniques II (BETeq-IABEM 2001, New Brunswick), edited by M. Denda, M. H. Aliabadi and A. Charafi, 2001, Hoggar, p. 129-136.
Y. J. Liu, N. Xu and X. L. Chen, "Development of the boundary element method for the analysis of thin and layered structures," in: Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (ICES 2000, Los Angeles), edited by S. N. Atluri and R. W. Brust, 2000, Tech Science Press, p. 51-56.
Y. J. Liu and S. H. Chen, "A unified boundary element approach to acoustic waves interacting with thin shell-like structures," in: Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (ICES 2000, Los Angeles), edited by S. N. Atluri and R. W. Brust, 2000, Tech Science Press, p. 112-117.
X. L. Chen, H. X. Hua and Y. J. Liu, "A higher-order FEM for vibration control of composite plates with distributed piezoelectric sensors and actuators," in: Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences ( ICES 2000, Los Angeles), edited by S. N. Atluri and R. W. Brust, 2000, Tech Science Press, p. 1506-1511.
Y. J. Liu, N. Xu and I.-C. Wang, "Boundary element applied to analyze circular-arc crack at the interface of thin interphase layer between fiber and matrix," in: MESOMECHANICS 2000, edited by G. C. Sih, 2000, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, p. 431-436.
Y. J. Liu and S. H. Chen, "An improved solution strategy for the composite BIE in 3-D acoustic problems," in: Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering (ICES'98, Atlanta), edited by S. N. Atluri and P. E. O'Donoghue, 1998, Tech Science Press, p. 193-198.
S. H. Chen and Y. J. Liu, "Application of a new composite BIE for 3-D acoustic problems," in: Boundary Elements XX, edited by A. Kassab, C. A. Brebbia and M. Chopra, 1998, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, p. 521-530.
N. Nakagawa, S. Ghanekar, D. Lehther, Y. Liu, J. C. Moulder, A. N. S. Prasad, F. Rizzo, and J. C. Chao, "Progress in eddy current modeling via the boundary element method", in: Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, 1997, Plenum Press, p. 233-240.
Y. J. Liu and F. J. Rizzo, "Ultrasonic scattering from open cracks in 3-D using a composite boundary integral equation formulation," in: Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, 1993, Plenum Press, p. 29-36.
J. C. Chao, Y. J. Liu, P. A. Martin, and et al., "Electromagnetic wave scattering: a modern boundary element approach for NDE applications," in: Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, , 1993, Plenum Press, p. 661-668.
J. C. Chao, Y. J. Liu, F. J. Rizzo, and et al., "Electromagnetic scattering modeling using boundary element method," in: Proceedings of the Second Annual Midwest Electromagnetics Technology Conference (IEEE), Ames, IA, 1993, p. 126-129.
Y. J. Liu, D. M. Zhang, and F. J. Rizzo, "Nearly singular and hypersingular integrals in the boundary element method," in: Boundary Elements XV, edited by C. A. Brebbia and J. J. Rencis, Worcester, MA, 1993, Computational Mechanics Publications, p. 453-468.
Y. J. Liu, N. Nakagawa, and F. J. Rizzo, "Eddy current analysis for 3-D problems using the boundary element method," in: Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, , 1992, Plenum Press, p. 235-242.
Y. J. Liu and F. J. Rizzo, "Application of Overhauser C(1) continuous boundary elements to `hypersingular' BIE for 3-D acoustic wave problems," in: Boundary Elements XIII, edited by C. A. Brebbia and G. S. Gipson, Tulsa, OK, 1991, Computation Mechanics Publications, p. 957-966.
G. Krishnasamy, F. J. Rizzo, and Y. J. Liu, "Scattering of acoustic and elastic waves by crack-like objects: the role of hypersingular integral equations," in: Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, Brunswick, Maine, 1991, Plenum Press.
T. Q. Ye and Y. J. Liu, "Finite deflection analysis of heated elastic plates by the boundary element method," in: Boundary Element Methods, edited by Q. H. Du, Beijing, China, 1986, Pergoman Press, p. 367-374.
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I. Conference Presentations (with Abstracts only):
J. Invited Technical Talks:
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The electronic copies of the reprints, in the PDF file format and posted here for personal education and research uses only, are obtained from the publishers who own the copyrights of these papers. Any other uses or distributions of these papers are prohibited. The publishers of these journals are gratefully acknowledged:
- Computational Mechanics, by Springer
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, by Elsevier Science
- CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, by Tech Science Press
- Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, by Elsevier Science
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, by John Wiley & Sons
- Journal of Applied Mechanics, by ASME
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, by The Acoustical Society of America
- Mechanics of Materials, by Elsevier Science
- Smart Materials and Structures, by Institute of Physics
- and others ...
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